ACURET Member Benefit

If you are not yet a member of ACURET.ORG, we strongly encourage you to join and to
participate in the Laboratory Animal welfare activities of your Institution, community
and society!

Why Being a Member is So Important…Especially Now

With your ACURET membership, you benefit from the member-driven resources and
industry information essential for managing today’s animal experimentation

Some of the benefits of membership include:

  • International ACURET Workshop/Conference (IAWC)
  • Strategic Conference for National members
  • Free access to all past, present, and future webinars
  • Corporate members receive a 10% discount on webinar sponsorship
  • Eligibility to serve on ACURET Committees
  • Opportunities to present research at ACURET sponsored conferences.
  • Nomination and voting rights for ACURET elections.
  • Eligibility to be elected to the ACURET Governing
  • Quarterly “RODENTIA” newsletter
  • E. Ademola Caxton-Martins Award
  • ACURET Appreciation Awards
  • Travel Awards to IAWC

Add your voice to help support funding and policies that promote Humane
animal care and use for research and education.

“ACURET has played many roles in my career, but I would narrow it down to three specific areas—
education and training, peer exchange and association, and leadership. Once I was introduced to
ACURET.ORG and recognized the quality of its programs and materials, I realized what an
opportunity ACURET gave me to learn my skills. Whether it was the basic administration of
substances and understanding the handling and restraint techniques for rodents, in my early days or, more recently, search for alternatives, broadening my horizons to 3Rs, ACURET has been a go-to
resource for my education and for understanding what it takes to conduct responsible animal

Opportunities to Shine

In addition to a free subscription to The ACURET Newsletter RODENTIA and discounts on all
ACURET events, products, services, and training, membership also provides countless
networking opportunities and exposure to the industry’s key decision makers and
managers. ACURET events keep you up to date on industry trends and issues while
allowing you to meet new people and swap successes with peers.
Becoming a member also gives you a voice in the industry. A forum to share your ideas and
have them valued is extremely satisfying and beneficial for your professional growth.

Members also have access to:

  • The Member Forum on the ACURET Xchange, an exclusive online community for
    real-time discussions with other members.
  • Free recorded Web seminars on a variety of topics.
  • Free downloads of ACURET Guideline documents.
  • Exclusive regulatory updates from ACURET’s membership of ICLAS.
  • Updates on industry best practices.
  • Career development/leadership and networking opportunities.
  • Free downloads of selected Journal articles

Sign up now and become a participant in this vibrant and rapidly growing society
dedicated to supporting and facilitating your research endeavours!

Click the link above to begin the membership application.